Hubblecast 109: Diving into the Lagoon Nebula
On 24 April 1990, Hubble was launched into space. To celebrate its 28th year in orbit, some of Hubble’s precious observation time was used to observe the colourful Lagoon Nebula. One of only two...
View ArticleHubblecast 110 Light: New test of Einstein’s general relativity
An international team of astronomers using Hubble has made the most precise test of general relativity yet outside our Milky Way.
View ArticleHubblecast 111: Hubble sees `Oumuamua getting a boost
Astronomers have found that ‘Oumuamua, the first interstellar object discovered in the Solar System, is moving away from the Sun faster than expected. Using data from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space...
View ArticleHubblecast 112 Light: Mars and Saturn
Mars and Saturn are among the most popular planets. This new episode of the Hubblecast presents the images Hubble took of these planets in summer 2018.
View ArticleHubblecast 114: How does Hubble orientate itself in space?
This new Hubblecast episode takes a detailed look into the refined Pointing Control System that allows Hubble to keep its gaze into the Universe firm and steady.
View ArticleHubblecast 116: Henrietta Leavitt — ahead of her time
Born in 1868, Henrietta Leavitt was an astronomer ahead of her time, whose work helped to revolutionise our understanding of the Universe. While working at Harvard Observatory, she began to study stars...
View ArticleHubblecast 130 Light: Hubble Studies the Earth during a Total Lunar Eclipse
Taking advantage of a total lunar eclipse in January 2019, astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have measured the amount of ozone in Earth’s atmosphere. This method serves as a proxy...
View ArticleHubblecast 131 Special: Showcase of Hubble's 30th Anniversary Artistic Creations
On 24 April 2020, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope celebraetd its 30th anniversary. ESA/Hubble invited the general public to submit Hubble-themed artistic creations to celebrate this special...
View ArticleHubblecast 121: What can we learn from exoplanet transits?
This new Hubblecast episode explores what we can learn through the transits of exoplanets. It also tells us what we have learned from these transits with the help of Hubble and which discoveries we can...
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